Chamomile tea is a herbal tea and is great to treat several health related problems, such as ailments of the digestive system, insomnia and anxiety. chamomile tea has numerous beauty benefits too. Chamomile is a very gentle, supportive herbfor all ages.
For most people chamomile tea is safe to try as a supplement to other treatments, but it should not replace main stream medical treatments when people have serious illness.
ANTI AGEING PROPERTY: Chamomile tea is excellent in skin care.It is full of incredible healing and anti-oxidant properties. It helps to cleanse and moisturize the skin. It helps to give a healthy glow to the skin by naturally bleaching it. It helps fight acne and skin ageing. Chamomile tea helps to hasten the healing course in minor wounds.
IT PREVENTS HAIR LOSS :Chamomile tea has great benefits when it comes to hair. A rinse of this tea helps to brighten hair. It is also very effective to prevent hair loss and control.
PROMOTES SLEEP :Chamomile tea is a great solution for people suffering from insomnia. This tea helps to soothe the nervous system. This can help to make you feel relaxed and sleep better. It also helps to ease anxiety and depression
BOOSTS IMMUNITY :Regular intake of chamomile tea helps to increase immunity, with it’s antibacterial effects and an enhanced immunity one is able to prevent as well as fight ailments like common cold and cough. It also helps to protect against bacterial related illness nd infection.
Unlike green or black tea, chamomile tea actually comes not from atree but from a daisy like plant. The dry chamomile flower is known for it’s anti -inflammatory and anti-fungal, antispasmodic, anti-ulcer and astringent healing properties
IT PROMOTES DIGESTIVE HEALTH :Proper digestion is extremely important for your overall health. Chamomile extract has the potential to protect against diarrhea, so it is anti-inflammatory
PREVENTS CANCER :Chamomile tea contains the anti oxidant apigenin, which may help lower inflammation and reduces the risk of several types of cancer.
BENEFICIAL FOR DIABETICS :Chamomile tea may help to improve the blood sugar regulations in those with diabetes. It will suppress blood sugar levels and helping to improve liver glycogen storage.
IT IMPROVES HEART HEALTH :Chamomile tea is abundant in flavones a class of anti oxidant, which is beneficial for both cholesterol and blood pressure.
IT IS ANTI SPASMODIC :It is antispasmodic, it could also help ease period cramps. Drinking two cups per day will reduce the cramps during menstrual cycles.
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